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Miracle Ritual Cream A woman should always remember that the secret to creating the perfect complexion with tinting products is naturalness and lightness. It is important not to overload the skin with excessive makeup - such a make-up will look simply ugly. Sacks and circles under the eyes - a problem that occurs quite often. And the reasons for their appearance are also a huge number. However, in all cases, they must be fought. If only because they spoil the appearance very much. First of all, it is necessary to consult with doctors about the reasons that caused their appearance. You will be prescribed certain drugs and will be watched. But at the same time, you can help yourself improve the condition of the skin under the eyes. After all, until the drugs begin to act, bruises and bags will not go anywhere. And I want to look beautiful here and now. Therefore, try to use additional face care products. So, for example, traditional medicine copes well with skin problems. You can easily make yourself masks from what is at hand. For this, even potatoes may be suitable for you. Take one large tuber, grate it with a grater or using a blender. Squeeze out the excess juice, and apply a lot to the face. Just first put a napkin on your skin, and then potatoes. Hold the mask on your face for 30 minutes. After rinse off the mask with a nettle broth.
